Tim Samuel on accelerating innovation and listening with wisdom

Business On Purpose Conversations
Business On Purpose Conversations
Tim Samuel on accelerating innovation and listening with wisdom


Tim Samuel, CPA, the CFO at Bridgeway Community Church in Columbia, Maryland, explores how crisis pushes people and organizations towards innovation, accelerating the creative process.   We also delve into communicating and listening to wise sources of counsel as you lead through especially uncertain times.

Conversation Highlights:

-Creativity doesn’t always have to mean making something completely new, but can simply involve adjust existing process or technology to solve a new problem.

-Leading and ministering to your people in a crisis must include regular, clear communication.  Things involves both mass communication to larger teams (congregations) and individual and targeted outreach.

-Be wise in choosing which voices you are listening to in a crisis.   Start by listening to the voice of God, and then be intentional about seeking out additional trusted sources of counsel to inform your decision-making.  While there is wisdom in multiple counselors (Prov. 11:14; 15:22) not every voice deserves your attention.

-Many business owners lead in isolation, which can make it difficult to maintain a grip on reality.  This is an important time to not forsake your existing support network (whether formal or informal) to keep you from losing perspective and getting stuck.

Bridgeway Church: https://www.bridgeway.cc/

This conversation was recorded in April 2020.

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