Is the “Great Resignation” coming for your business? Chris Allen on creating a culture of community.

Business On Purpose Conversations
Business On Purpose Conversations
Is the "Great Resignation" coming for your business? Chris Allen on creating a culture of community.

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Is your business about to get crushed by the Great Resignation? Is it even a real thing?  Maybe.  In this conversation, Chris Allen, the founder of Always About People and one of the keynote speakers at Business On Purpose 2021, examines what is really going on with the so-called Great Resignation.  We talk about what is behind these resignations and how Christian business owners have a unique set of advantages in addressing the concerns of employees.

Chris says It boils down to fostering a culture of community.  More and more people are seeking community and human connections in their work—and they are gravitating towards companies that foster both of these.  What does the Bible have to say about this?  What do Christian business owners bring to the table?

Conversation highlights:

–Who’s at fault for the so-called Great Resignation? Is it even real?

–This problem has been developing for at least a decade.  Upwards of 2 in 3 workers aren’t really engaged in their work.

–What’s the deeper human need behind all of this?

–It started in the garden. “God put us here with unique gifts, strengths abilities and desires.”

–Culture has changed.  Society’s structures that have previously met human needs for relationship and human flourishing are broken.  As a result, people are looking to their jobs to meet these needs.

–The church is God’s Plan A.  How do you connect to people who are missing out on Plan A and who don’t have structures for community in their lives?

–Do your employees leave work as better people?  Are your employees becoming more of who God created them to be?

–Christian business owners “need to seriously think about the environments we are creating for people.”

–The workplace can’t replace the church, but people sure do spend a lot of time at work. “We spend more time at work than with our family” to say nothing of our church family.

–You can’t have too much community.

–The church is not merely something outside of you.  You are taking Christ to every environment, every workplace that you are in.

–Ever tempted to forget that PEOPLE work for your company and then treat them like machines or interchangeable cogs?  Chris talks about what’s behind that and how to move past it.

–“If we were to take the time now to care for, empower, develop, delegate, it would save us exponential time in the future.”

–Find out about the three ways that employees are committed to their jobs, their company.

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The latest from Gallup on workplace engagement.