Innovation is an expression of imago Dei.
It’s easy to think of business innovation as an unmitigated good. Is that true? We’ll find out in this episode in which we are joined by Ben Norquist, managing director at Wheaton College’s Center for Faith and Innovation, to discuss a Christian approach to innovation. We talk about how innovation is used for good and how it can be twisted and misused. Plus, listen in to learn about the best model for innovation and creativity.
Conversation highlights:
–How is God an innovator?
–What preceded God’s creative work on earth and what motivated Him to act in this way?
–Genesis and Revelation are bookends to God’s creative work and his innovation and are illustrative of the love that drives His work.
–What is the difference between invention and innovation? Are humans more innovators or inventors?
–The concepts of ex nihilo and imago dei give us theological grounding for what it means to be innovative.
–How is a biblical view of innovation distinct from the world’s prevailing, secular humanist view of innovation?
–A biblical worldview asks whether innovation is a universal good—if innovation should be an end unto itself.
–Thinking about unintended consequences: “It is easy for us to forget that we are finite.”
–“Our innovation processes should be wrapped in a cloak of humility, care and caution. Because we cannot play God.”
–The implications for innovation when we start with the assumption of “I don’t know the answers.”
–We explore the approach to innovation that begins with empathy and the practical applications of this approach.
–What is God’s warning for when life is great, when we are solving problems and innovating like crazy? (Deut. 8)
–Innovation can be bent towards all sorts of ends. Even for our laziness. Being self-reflective about innovation includes not just how to innovate, but why we are innovating.
–We talk about examples of innovation in health care, in venture capital, publishing, and human resources.
–Prayer is key to enabling innovation: overcoming challenges, reminding us of who God is, reminding us of our identity, giving us an outlet for confession, asking for help in fulfilling our calling. “It is an engine for kingdom-based innovation.”
Learn more about Wheaton College’s Center for Faith and Innovation (CFI):
Learn more about CFI’s upcoming Integrate conference (April 22-25, 2021) for Christian professionals seeking the skills and wisdom they need to take on increasing responsibilities in their careers:
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