Conference Partner: CBMC

CBMC exists to point marketplace men to Christ allowing the Gospel to transform them into marketplace ambassadors. Reaching men in the marketplace with the Gospel and equipping them for kingdom impact in their life and work, is now more relevant than ever. As men seek to live lives of significance, CBMC stands ready to share the hope of the Gospel and provide effective tools necessary for spiritual growth.

CBMC team meet men where they are and develop them into the men God designed them to be. Groups of CBMC men sharpen one another. Communities of purpose-minded men encourage one another through authentic relationships built on the foundation of Christ.

Leadership coaching and training through CBMC accelerates professionals toward business goals and personal growth in a Gospel-centered approach.

CBMC offers a variety of state-of-the-art leadership resources, materials, opportunities for connection, one-on-one mentoring, and discipleship. Join a dynamic network of believing brothers who are integrating work and faith while doing business God’s way. Contact us today to get connected!

CBMC’s Peer Advisory Group ministry is for business leaders who desire to lead their business according to Biblical principles and become part of a community with other like minded leaders in their geographic area.

CBMC Peer Advisory Group Distinctives:

  • We focus on the “whole person”
  • We help business leaders live as “Marketplace Ambassadors”
  • We have a Great Commission focus
  • Serving leaders in the marketplace for over 80 years
  • A Peer Advisory Group is a unique environment where 8-12 non-competing business leaders meet monthly to grow as business leaders, without neglecting their family and community responsibilities.
  • It’s led by a trained Facilitator with a seasoned business background and solid spiritual maturity.
  • The long term objective is to help businesses lead their business according to Biblical principles, build a business of excellence and become engaged in the Great Commission.
  • It creates an environment of confidentiality, trust, friendship, mutual support and long term accountability….like having your own personal board of advisors.


    Chuck Whitmore, Area Director Maryland
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